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cURL failed. Error: The requested URL returned error: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

How to translate Yoast Seo

1 Set Title and Description in the original page

In this exemple, only the description is set to this post

2 - Configure Falang to support Yoast

In The falang > Settings > Translate options > Click on the pages options

3- Enable the yoast meta 

The metadesc, title and time for reading can be enabled.

if you don't see the title , you have to put a custom title in a original page.

4 - Translate the meta desc

The metadesc can be translated and other meta can be translated , you can use the help of tranlation service like google/azure.... to help you

5 - Sitemap

The sitemap are done by language , it's depends of you configuration but it's like

[]/[languague slug]/page-sitemap.xml

For the main url of with the default slug remove ex: english


The french sitemap


The german sitemap


If your site use plain url add the ?lang=[language slug] for the language sitemap