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How to translate GDPR CookieYes (old CookieLawInfo) plugin

Below documentation was valid for the old interface of CookieYes / GDPR Cookie Consent. In this article, we will share deep insight into how the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin or CookieYes can be translated into your desired language via Falang.

1 - CookieYes new interface

With their new interface, they have a translation tab in their plugin, which works with Falang Free with a small addition to your functions.php, with Falang Pro it works out of the box.

add_filter('cky_current_language','get_falang_current_language', 10, 1);
function get_falang_current_language(){
	if ( ! class_exists( 'Falang' ) ) {
	$current_language = falang_current_language();
	return $current_language;

2 - CookieYes / GDPR Cookie Consent (old interface)

For those who started with the old CookieYes interface, the translations like below will continue to work, but you will not be able to change the translations once you have the new CookieYes versions installed.

Once the Falang plugin is installed and activated, you need to first configure it for the desired languages. Once the languages have been set up, navigate to Falang > String Translations as shown below :

 You can now filter the string to display only cookie-law-info string

Select the string you want to translate and click on edit



You can show the translation on front page.