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How to translate Popup Maker

This tutorial explain how to translate the Popup Maker plugin see

  1. Translate the content
  2. Translate the close button

1 Translate the content

Falang for Wordpress pro version 1.11+ is necessary

Enabled the popups translation in front-end

Options page list

Enabled the popup_title translation

Options page

Translate the content like all other post type

Translate popup maker content

Translate the popup title , it's in the meta

Translate popup maker title

2 Translate the close button

The close button is stored in a meta field with all the popup configuration, it's not possible to translate it directly in the Falang interface some code need to be done in function.php for this

//use for popupmaker to translate the close text
function falang_pum_popup_close_text($text, $ID)
  if (class_exists('Falang')){
    $current_locale = Falang()->get_current_language()->locale;
    if ($current_locale == 'en_US') {
      $text = 'close';
    if ($current_locale == 'fr_FR') {
      $text = 'fermer';
    if ($current_locale == 'de_DE') {
      $text = 'schließen';

  return $text;

