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Why buying Falang?

The exclusive features of the paid version

Bottom link

The link on every page of your site "traduction system by faboba" doesn't appear anymore.

direct translation

Direct translation link

It is possible to translate your content from joomla elements. You don't need to always use the Falang component.

Plugin K2 : Extra fields translation

A plugin allows to translate extra fields on K2 items and K2 extra fields.

Utf-8 link

Depending on your Joomla parameter, you can have your url's in utf-8

Custom images flags

Image path and image extension can be customized

Plugin : Missing Translation

An extra plugin gives you the possibility to put on top of each untranslated articles a warning message.

Plugin : Extra params

Some Template or plugin add extra params in articles and menus. You have access to these extra params in falang too.

Front-end translation

You can translate article and k2 item directly from front-end.