1- Export
Since Falang 2.6.0 you can export/import translation, this is done by an xml file (close to xliff format)
Go to the export page of falang directly from your falang cpanel page.
In this exemple a file will be generated for all "not existing" aricle translation for french (default language english)
A file : falang-content-fr-FR.xml will be generated.
<xml version='1.2'>
<file original='5.content' source-language='en-GB' target-language='fr-FR' datatype='htmlbody' product-name='falang' product-version='@@VERSION_NUMBER@@'>
<trans-unit id='5.content.title'>
<source><![CDATA[Article for all content]]></source>
<target><![CDATA[Article for all content]]></target>
<trans-unit id='5.content.introtext'>
<source><![CDATA[<p>This is an article visible for all </p>]]></source>
<target><![CDATA[<p>This is an article visible for all </p>]]></target>
Each translation element is in a file element , the translation (source) is copied to the target element, you have to translate and replace the target element.
2 - Import
The translation file for article (content) is finalized you can import it. Go to the import page from your cpanel falang page.
Choose the import file and the target language. Click Process import.