{transifexstats falang}
Pourquoi acheter Falang ?
Voici les plus de la version payante.
5.14 (2024/12/16)
- fix quickjump bug
- fix astroid framework article param's translation
- fix Google translation on Joomahaper template (Helix plugin)
- improve code in Template by language
5.13 (2024/11/13)
- add text custom fields copy translation button
- add textarea custom fields copy translation button
- add simple/multiple list original value selected
- update editor copyToClipboard/setTranslation function
- update tab system for custom fields on translation page
5.12 (2024/10/08)
fix copy/translate bug with JCE editor
5.11 (2024/09/13)
- use ajax translation service in asynchronous mode
- improve editor copy/translate codemiror, jce, tinymce
5.10 (2024/07/11)
- display original custom fields value on the translation page (Text,checkbox,radio)
5.9 (2024/06/17)
- fix routing bug with articles with same alias (in 2 categories) thanks to Filip Jovic
- improve quickjump update the published status on list and form
- fix quickjump diplay on not published content language
- change in cpanel Smart Search Content to Falang Content
- fix quickjump with vertical menu module
5.8 (2024/04/25)
fix Quickjump bug on Joomla 5.1
fix DeepL Norvegian language code
5.7 (2024/04/23)
- add paid DeepL support
- fix display in dark mode
- Compatible Joomla 5.1
5.6 (2024/03/12)
- add DeepL translation service
- fix tinyMCE clipboard not supported message on copy translation or service translation for content
- change hikahosp language switch and hreflang (remove parameters)
- fix Joomla 5 bug in translation service
5.5 (2024/03/04)
- add jcemedia custom fields support
- fix K2forJ4 switch
5.4 (2024/01/30)
- fix menu item switch when the child menu is not translated
- fix locking table in front-end (backupmonkey - tn21)
- fix custom fields on categories edition
- fix showtime in article translation (same as original)
5.3 (2024/01/17)
- fix import/export
- Improve performance (Content Element cache)
- fix bug on custom fields (backend)
- fix bug on hikahsop (content element not stored in DB)
5.2 (2023/11/23)
- Fix mysqli alrady close error
- Fix mod_falang default value on install
- order plugin during install
5.1 (2023/11/20)
- fix mod falang bug (JURI)
- fix virtumart support
5.0 (2023/11/15)
- Joomla 4.3/4.4/5.0 compatible
improve reodrder plugin and set debug plugin after FalangDatabase Driver
remove deprecated on filter
remove deprecated on alias null (now empty)
improve falang display with menu still visible on sidebar
fix cancel button to go back to the list
remove old standard search and k2 extra plugin
rename language file
fix uninstall error displayed
4.14 (2023/10/10)
- add 4sef support
4.13 (2023/06/15)
- fix routing problem on (forget username/password link)
- change mod_falang default position to sidebar-right
- remove fix for 3.4.3 on mod_falang with sef disabled
4.12 (2023/06/02)
- modify falang_content table original text allow null (customfields fix)
- remove PAID commentary in mod_falang
- fix CW Attachement support for custom fields display
- fix JA Content Type support for custom fields display
- fix custom fields saving (original text not set)
- fix switch bug on category article
3.10.7 (2023/04/04)
- fix Joomla 4 update process without disabling Falang
- add dlid param's in package (paid version)
- add message to set downloadid
- fix mod_falang inline display language flags
4.11 (2023/03/30)
- add Event onBeforeFieldTranslation (skip fulltext translation for Yootheme)
- fix bug on subform translation.
- add message on backend if PDO driver is selected.
- add categories use default param's system
4.10 (2023/03/14)
- Improve Event Booking support
4.9 (2023/02/16)
- new params translation can be skipped on module and menu
- new Joomal 4 filtering display
- fix warning on php 8.1 htmlspecialchars
- add name filter for banners
- fix toast message
- add order by id on hikahsop elements
- fix bug when the content element don't use id for primary key
- EventBooking don't load associationHelper
4.8 (2023/01/03)
- fix display param's on translations page
- fix import error
4.7 (2022/12/06)
- add support for module front-end edition
- fix category blog route for non translated items.
- fix falang option problem
- fix jquery quickjump bug.
- remove sh404 support (joomla 3 only)
- fix php 8.1 deprecated
- rollback to hreflang sef (not language code)
4.6 (2022/11/08)
- install script default is free to be sure to have a default
- hreflang small change
- fix bug when 2 advanced dropdown are in the site
3.10.6 (2022/10/21)
- fix update site for falang and differents licence
- improve jshopping support switch on same item
- fix php 8 deprecated order parameters change translateListWithIDs
- fix php 8 deprecated order parameters change on trigger onBeforeTranslation and onAfterTranslation
4.5 (2022/10/06)
- add new parameter to order automatically the system plugin to work fine with Falang (can be disabled)
- fix for admintools (need be in first position, fix menu translation)
- fix deprecated order parameter change on trigger onBeforeTranslation and onAfterTranslation
- fix bug in routing when catid is an array
4.4 (2022/08/31)
- fix content translation on Joomla 4.2.1+
- fix php 8.1 notice
4.3 (2022/08/29)
- fix menu translation on Joomla 4.2+
4.2 (2022/07/26)
- remove jQuery from front-end (mod_falang)
- add ordering on translation page
- fix message/error for pdo driver (depends of template)
4.1.0 (2022/06/27)
- change falang table to InnoDB
- update falang table to utf8mb4
- fix Joomla debug/ update database override.
- fix jshopping switch on same item
- fix Falang update site.
4.0.7 (2022/05/30)
- fix bug in free version on mod_falang with dropdown
- add svg on image list (was on Falang 3)
- add Iceland language to translate sercice
- fix articleAnywhere problem
- quickjump load jQuery only on administrator section
- fix for categories custom fields display
- fix multi filtering in Falang > translation
3.10.5 (2022/05/18)
- add support for categories custom fields
- fix bug in free version on mod_falang with dropdown
- add Iceland language to translate sercice
4.0.6 (2022/03/10)
- new update system (remove live update)
- fix Contact translation
- fix Tag alias translation
- new Route override system (Content / Tag)
- remove advanded router param's
- remove param's contact translation(temporary)
- add media custom field translation
4.0.5 (2022/02/08)
- add support for categories custom fields
- fix bug on custom field (new value on checkbox/radio was not updated)
- fix subform custom field translation
- fix parameter name like 'com_categories_options_fieldset_label / idem sp page builder
- fix editor button color
- blockChildUninstall added to Falang xml package
- add message for system fields plugin order
3.10.4 (2022/02/14)
- new update system (native Joomla)
3.10.3 (2022/01/27)
- fix bug on custom field (new value on checkbox/radio was not updated)
- fix subform custom field translation
4.0.4 (2022/01/11)
- fix subform custom field translation
- improve translation page
- improve custom field translation performance
- fix cpanel display
- add Text use in Falang driver (error with Smart search)
4.0.3 (2021/12/02)
- fix article category blog link translation
- add message for finder falang content
- add fix for creative contact form
- fix preview button
- preview don't display footer anymore
3.10.2 (2021/11/23)
- add content tag plugin link to cpanel
- disable language switcher on yootheme page edition.
- add message for finder falang content plugin.
- add fix for creative contact form
4.0.2 (2021/10/20)
- fix editor display in translation page
- fix copy button
- disable language switcher on yootheme page edition.
- fix plugin version display in cpanel
- add content tag plugin link
- fix close popup on save & cancel (article page)
- fix custom field value display in translation page
- fix dispatcher bug in falangdriver
4.0.1 (2021/10/05)
- fix dropdown for mod_falang
- add support for php 8.0
- fix custom fields translation
- fix cpanel display
- fix menu translation link
- fix quickjump popup close button
4.0.0 (2021/09/20)
- Initial Joomla 4 release
3.10.1 (2021/09/20)
- improve translation import
- improve translation export
- fix OS Property routing on properties
- fix hreflang with parameters
- fix update message in Falang dashboard.
3.10 (2021/08/27)
- add support for Joomla 3.10 version
- remove support for Joomla 3.9- version
3.4.6 (2021/03/17)
- fix hikashop Association (for hikashop 4.4.1+)
- fix hikashop product switch with Joomla native menu
3.4.5 (2021/01/13)
- fix virtuemart bug
3.4.4 (2021/01/12)
- add Google Cloud translate system
- fix non sef url with blog list (switch on same item)
- fix virtuemart bug (language detected to early)
- fix language code use for bing/google/yandex/lingvanex
3.4.3 (2020/11/09)
- fix reapeatable field translation
- fix user front-end language selection
- add svg to language switcher image format
- fix double (origText) in edit translation.
- add Lingvanex API translation support
- fix danish code for automatic translator (bing and yandex)
3.4.2 (2020/08/24)
- fix quickjump popup
- add param's to contact content element
- fix bug on article custom fields save
3.4.1 (2020/06/19)
- fix link not set correctly menu translation
3.4.0 (2020/06/16)
- new translation page
- update azur translation api v2 to v3
- fix tags alias translation. (new router)
- fix hikashop product switcher translation with Joomla native menu
- update of k2 plugin system for extra fields (v4.4)
3.3.0 (2020/03/24)
- Add configurable table to export (paid version only)
- Add quickjump for field and fieldgroup (check on update)
- Add support for Language access level
- Add support for DPCalendar Quickjump
- Add message if advanced router from Joomal and Falang don't match
- Fix bug when no texttitle translatable in a content element (Thx Danny Streichert)
3.2.0 (2019/11/21)
- add version number for plugins on cpanel
- add new images for language
- remove mootools for cpanel
- fix warning on contentelement.php (php 7.2.+)
- fix html tag in cpanel view
3.1.0 (2019/07/11)
- fix installation problem on Joomla > 3.9.9
- fix bug for Portugese/Deutch bing translation (wrong iso code)
- fix bug on mwosoby component with non sef url
- fix for hikashop and start parameter in the url
- remove use of mootools use only JQuery javascript. (quickjump)
- improve quickjump
- install script mysql remove default for blob text
3.0.2 (2018/12/05)
- add copy custom fields params(default no)
3.0.1 (2018/10/11)
- fix route building (jdownload and other compoent)
- fix bug when article not translated with falang
- fix update bug on module parameter's.
- better support for small screen (1024)
- fix bug for spanish bing translation (wrong iso code)
- fix bug for Czech Yandex and Bing translation.
- fix bug on orphan with php 7.2
- Add: Yandex - Bing API translation support
- Change: edit translation page.
- Remove: legacy folder
- Add: Package installation script
- new routing without id in url (paid version and com_content only)
- fix export bug (quickjump side effect)
- add update caching option
- 3.8+ Joomla vesion
- 5.6+ php version (json_encode pb for custom fields)
- update liveupdate system to last release - 10s timeout
- update liveupdate url to https
- fix bug translate custom fields value.
- add support for custom fields article filtred by categories
- add support for djcatalog2 item url translation.
- add support for virtuemart category link (category id = 0)
- custom field value /readonly by css
- status of translation fixed in component view.
- add control if system -fields plugin is not published.
- fix too many redirect for some configuration
- change parameter's translation display
- fields group (content, user supported)
- fix status on article with url/images change in falang
- custom field value translation
- quickump pour fields et fields group
- fix virtuemart issue (404)
- remove old custom_fields_value content element
- update content element for quickjump
- add php 7.2 compatiblity
- fix bug on native menu association
- fix notice if empty line in quickjump param's
- export hidden content
- export module supported (without param's)
- add usergroups content element
- fix bug on plugin cpanel
- add plugin's version on cpanel
- mod_falang: fix bug on non sef url.
- mod_falang: remove !empty test for uri->getVar
- plg_falang_driver:add pdo message if selected.(no more 500 error)
- com_falang: add description to banner content element
- com_falang: fix bug in easyblog and module parameters, force all param's to be decoded as array
- mod_falang: fix notice for non com_mijoshop var (thanks rick spaan)
- com_falang: fix ugly display on edit translation.
- com_falang: param's display are the same on all joomla content element.
- com_falang: add featured to quickjump.
- install: fix mod_falang install parameters.
2.9.1 (2017/07/25)
- Fix bug on mysql driver loading
2.9.0 (2017/07/24)
- mod_falang: inactive flag for menu item with show menu option used
- com_falang: (advanded menu show option)
- mod_falang: set flag inactive for non translated item (content , k2)
- plg_falang_driver: override the database in the constuctor (pb with system plugin)
- com_falang: compatible for Joomla 3.2+ only
- com_falang: remove empty param's from link (CB problem)
- com_falang: fix widgetkit save menu item
- plg_falang_driver: fix bug on build k2 item route if no alias is in the id
- plg_falang_driver: fix bug on build k2 item route if no alias is in the id
- mod_falang: fix bug on non sef url.$vars was not initialized.
2.8.4 (2017/06/19)
- change render of modules param's
- change render of image& link param's
- fix itemid missing on home page (make 404)
- fix cache problem
- fix copy image & link
- remove php notice
- add content element for custom field (Joomla 3.7)
- add custom fields in falang edit mode(readonly only)(Joomla 3.7)
- remove warning message (Joomla 3.7)
- remove hreflang for inactive language menu item
- metakey resizable comme metadesc (text area) article/menu
- fix status translation due to images&links system
- add store orginal text for param's type too
- fix bug on cache (thanks nicolas from hikashop)
- change footer
2.8.2 (2017/03/01)
- add copy images & link for article (paid version)
- add filter by module type
- fix joomsef problem on hreflang with no filter language published.
- fix bug if only component is uninstalled and not the whole package
2.8.1 (2017/01/30)
- fix html content save on some editor with code view (jce need at least 2.6.8Beta 3)
- add x-default and hreflang based on configuration of language filter plugin
- remove quickjump on item edition with a specific language
- add lock icon in falang translation list (before the checkbox was not displayed)
- add icon to content element management on falang cpanel
2.8.0 (2016-12-06)
- add update server required by JED in January 2017
- add variant to package to support watchful
- add plugin smart search in cpanel list
2.7.0 (2016-09-26)
- new set language filter order automatically (need for joomla 3.6.2)
- fix remove notice if menu item set to a speicific language and quickjump (notice on develloper error log)
- new remove the quckjump if item to a specific language
- fix error in JFContentModelItem.php
- fix Falang Driver bug on build route and item not published in falang
- fix mijoshop problem in mod_falang (Fonny Smets)
- fix mod_falang if path not published
- fix debug query log (Oleg)
2.6.0 (2016-06-13)
- add export/import to xml format (close to xliff)
- new cpanel design
- add control on cpanel to major configurations problem
- add in menu content element filter on all languages
- add in article content element filter on all languages
- add in categories content element filter on all languages
- fix for Joomla 3.5 and k2 quickjump
- add hotspots compatiblitys on category (extra param's plugin) change in falang with trigger onBeforeTranslationBind
- fix eshop (don't load eshopHelperAssociation class in mod_falang)
- remove all php closing tag of php file
2.5.0 (2016-03-30)
- Compatible with php7
- Joomla 3.5 compatible
- Change for hreflang update
- add support for sh404
- add Toggle button in translation view (thanks to Hrvoje)
- fix archive notice (id is not set)
- fix mod_falang link when menu item is set to specific language
- fix helix3 Article Extra tab
- fix virtuemart parameters on language switcher link
- fix bug on hikashop for menu parameter when you edit it.(thanks to James Wadsworth)
2.2.2 (2016-02-15)
- Add images and urls tab in article translation.
- Language switcher on front-end edition are no more possible.
- Select template by language.
- Change onAfterInitialise of FalangDatabase driver to be compatible with MightySites extension
- fix k2 download attachment link error.
- support of language domain from www.yireo.com
- fix notice in checkupdate ajax call
- fix bug on alterante hreflang non sef url
- advanced dropdown with image and name white-space :no-wrap
- Joomla > 3.4.0 version only
- mod_falang : dropdown with image
- fix k2 category item url translation.
- fix quickjump default view (language button not displaid)
- ix hikashop url translation in mod_falang and hreflang
- fix content category url translation
- fix language file duplicate
- fix canonical
- remove notice on plugins/system/falangdriver/falang_database.php
- fix hreflang
- fix category blog sef problem
- widgetkit support for module translation.
- mod_falang support component association.
- fix quickjump position near status,title (joomla 3 only)
- yeeditor support for copy
- falang missing plugin updated (you can set a langugage string to be translated by override)
- add pre and post falang module text translation
- fix editor button in falang view
- fix tipo error in language file.
- fix falang content search (version 1.2)
- quickjump enhancement (support more table for a component)
- remove weblinks content element for joomla > 3.4.3
- add tags content element (joomla 3)
- Joomla 3.4.3 => fix language switching in non sef mode.
- Joomla 3.4.3 => fix language login redirection problem (specific case)
- Add Limit on translation list Joomla 3
- Remove update server
- Add quickjump edit on list. Joomla 3.4 only
- Fix problem on uninstall only Falang component and not all package.
- Change quickjump format
- fix bug on html entities edition
- add arkeditor support for copy button
- add ckeditor support for copy button
- fix clipboard not supported alert.
- change hreflang for x-default and href for non sef url
- administrator language file change
- preview button add icon
- fix preview
- fix languague string in administrator file (administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_falang.ini)
- remove ROOT category from list of category
- quickjump translation
- utf-8 support
- add params tanslation on categories
- add submenu translate
- add notes to menu.xml content element (version 1.1)
- add alternate metatag (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/189077?hl=en)
- JFDefaultMenusModelItem -> fix getItem warning (php 5.5)
- ContentElementTablefield fix warning message (php 5.5)
- JFConentModelItem -> fix warning (php 5.5)
- module published to all page on installation
- plugin published during installation
- components/com_falang/helpers/falang.class.php contentElementFields method is static use for missing translation error message.
- administrator\components\com_falang\models\* and components\com_falang\helpers\defines.php Remove php closing tag
- fix joomla 3.4.0 menu
- fix joomla 3.4.0 menu
- fix 5.4 php warning message on publish item in the list
- fix front-end bug
- add frontedit param's in content element file
- fix front-end message on successfull save.
1.4.3(not released)
- fix order number problem in hikashop and front-end edition.
- set different message for free and paid version for front-end edition.
- fix joomla 3.3.4 problem
- fix hikashop and front-end edition system.
- front-end translation set to no by default (paid version)
- add frontend edition (paid version)
- mod_falang set in dropdown post w3c rules
- add ID of joomla item in the translate view
- fix bug in mod_falang when no menu is active
- mod_falang language file fix for encoding and comment
- mod_falang fix for menu association
- fix strict standard display in cpanel.php (controller)
- fix strict standard display in help.php (controller)
- fix strict standard on orphan_list.php
- fix strict standard on views/default/view.php
- fix strict standard on views/help/view.php
- fix strict standard on views/translate/tmpl/edit.php
- remove params "overwriteGlobalConfig" not used 1.4.0
- add joomla 3.3 compatibility
- add custom path and file type for flag in Falang language switcher + fix integration between native multilanguage and falang mix
- fix mijosef compatiblity
- fix acesef compatiblity
- add debug params to display translated item.
- compatible with php 5.4 (remove strict message)
- add flag (srp-ME) + fix quote in title (text) translation
- k2 extra field field translation (paid version)
- add rtl support in language switcher module
- change 'content' is now 'article' in backend in the dropdown
- add more flags for module falang (same as Joomla 3.2)
- add copy button for menu link type (use to change menu type)
- default language (set this on falang and not in joomla > basic)
- fix translation typo error on backend + cpanel message change
- add downloadid system to allow direct update from joomla
- fix bug on translation on some module with validation. (ex ja_slideshow)
- add previous unused method for mijosef compatibily.
- k2 extra field (for commercial version)
- k2 update - content element (for extra field translation)
- remove root menu in the menu translation view
- fix to work on joomla 3.1.4 (http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemEdit&tracker_item_id=31565)
- add params to content(article)
- with auto for readonly inputbox (joomla 3.x)
- add url translation
- add new image type in content element definition
- add medadesc translation to categories content elemnet
- add medadesc translation to contact_details content elemnet
- remove notice for static call
- remove JFalangDatabase::getInstance Method (no more use)
- add class on loadObjectList of (Daniel Lorenzo)
- remove copy button from readonlytext
- fix bug on save translation content empty 1.2.0
- Compatible with Joomla 3.0
- fix bug in category filter details
- fix compatibily with mysql 5.5 (engine) 1.1.7 (2012/10/24)
- add contact details management in translation with category filter.
- add weblinks management in translation
- add last version in cpanel
- add support for update notification.
- copyright message only for html
- fix render of module params to work with javascript 1.1.6 (2012/06/26)
- Joomla 2.2.6 and 2.2.5 compatibility
- plugin add text to .ini file
- com_falang add method $this->escape in TranslationFilter 1.1.5 (2012/06/18)
- Joomla 2.2.5 compatibility
- modf_falang bug fix on url like (index.php/component/content/article?id=39)
- add image languages in module
- change backlink to faboba (JED Terms of Service)
- remove license key system (JED Terms of Service)
1.1.3 (2012/04/27)
- fix a notice in mod_falang
- fix cache problem on mod_falang
- fix on language switch
- add translation of module parameter
- add simple acl + plugin
- add override method loadColumn
- free version : link open in a new page
- cpanel minor change + php 5.3 remove some warning 1.1.1
- fix problem on overide loadAssocList
- update key on installation without uninstall
- compatible joomla 2.5
- save translation keep on the translation page in backend
- new icons (Thanks to Andy Bryan from virtual-showroom.com)
- change override driver structure
- override all fetch method on driver
- add params menu translation
- correct problem on content elemnent zip installer
- remove content element tar installer
- add new traduction
- change link on free version (crash ajax)
- stable release with new numerotation.
- 3 verstion (free, basic, standard)
- js load in admin translate page corrected.
- mod_falang use a specific stylesheet in module and flag (fix inline flag display)
- mod_falang fix link to current page.
- fix installation of content element
- fix plugin import name in mysqlx and mysqix
- fix missing traduction in content element install
- add mysql driver compatibility
- add JCK editor patch 1.7.0b3
- mysqlix driver bug on install other components(name mysqli)
- extension menu list without root menu and order list
- extension category , category filter list corrected
Votre licence (ou downloadID) est :
1- Joomla
Un numéro de Download ID est nécéssaire pour la mise a jour des composant faboba.com
Numéro de downloadId :
Vous devez saisir celui ci dans Falang > Option > Basic - Download ID
2 - WordPress
Un numéro de Download ID unique est nécéssaire pour la mise de l'ensemble des plugins de Falang pour WordPress, Falang Pro , Falang for Elementor, Falang for Yootheme...
Numéro de downloadId :
Vous devez saisir celui ci dans
Falang > Settings > License > License
Extensions pour FaLang
Page de téléchargement d'extensions pour FaLang
La dernière version de Falang est la : 5.14 sortie le 16 décembre 2024. Compatible avec Joomla 5.2/5.1/5.0/4.4/4.3
La dernière version de Falang est la : 4.14 sortie le 10 Octobre 2023. Compatible avec Joomla 4.4/4.3/4.2/4.1/4.0
La dernière version de Falang est la : 3.10.7 sortie le 04 avril 2023. Compatible avec Joomla 3.10 et 3.9
Nouveau 3.0.0: Vous pouvez vous aider de Bing et Yandex pour les traductions
- Price
- Support
- Support period
- Update
Bottom link
Remove front-bottom linkFront-end edition
Article, Modules and k2 itemImage path
Choose your flag image pathK2 extra fields
Translate extra fieldsExtra param's
Translate some templates extra paramsMissing translation
display extra infoContent Tag
translate title and content when using a menu item tagsDeepL Translation service
Google Translation service
Azur/Bing Translation service
Yandex Translation service
- Free
- -
- none
- -
- -
- Basic
- €49,90
- 1 site
- 6 months
- 6 months
- Standard
- €84,90
- 1 site
- 1 year
- 1 year
- Pro
- €139,90
- Unlimited
- 1 year
- 1 year
*(+20% tax for EU customers)
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when my membership expires?
You can continue using our extensions but you will not be able to download new releases or old release.
How to upgrade from free to paid version?
Just install the paid version over the free,The backlink will disaper. You keep all your translations and parameters.
Open Source
It is 100% open-source, licensed under GNU/GPL. No part of the code is encrypted.You can use our product forever
What is your refund policy?
We are so confident in our work that every purchase comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. To request a refund please contact us.
Si vous souhaitez être au courant des dernières nouveautées concernant FaLang.
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Comment installer une nouvelle version.
Depuis la version 1.1.1 pour installer une nouvelle version, vous n'avez plus besoins de désinstaller la version précédente.
La clef de version est mise à jour durant l'installation
Fatal error: Allowed memory size ....
Cette erreur apparait chez o2swith principalement avec une version de php > 7, vous devez changer les module mysql chargés il ne doit pas il y avoir mysqli mais nd_mysqli
Disparition des icones quickjump
Cela peut venir d'un problème d'enregistrement en base des paramètres, ils vous suffit dans ce cas d'ouvrir les options Falang et de refaire un "sauver"
Falang Database driver not enabled
Vous n'avez pas publié le plugin system falang. Extensions > Gestion des plug-ins > System - Falang Database Driver
Infinite loop detected in JError
Si votre site affiche ce message c'est que vous avez sélectionnez le driver mysqli avec un hébergement ne supportant pas cette configuration. Vous devez donc changer votre fichier de configuration joomla configuration.php et remplacer la ligne :
public $dbtype = 'mysqlix'
public $dbtype = 'mysql'
Problème de traduction des menus
Depuis Joomla 3.6.1 , le plugin system language filter doit avoir une priorité plus haute que le plugin falang database driver. Depuis la version 2.7.0 l'ordre des plugins se fait de manière automatic a l'installation.
Invalid Parent Id
Depuis Joomla 3.7.3 , ce problème arrive lors de lors la traduction en front-end. C'est du a une modification d'une requête , select (1) From .... Cela pose problème avec Falang lié a un bug de php-mysql avec php < 7. Vous devez mettre a jour php.
Une demande de modication de Joomla est en cours (https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/17003/)
Depuis la 3.8.0 de Joomla le fichier a changer est ici: libraries/src/Table/Asset.php ligne 111
Fatal error: Class 'JFormFieldList' not found in .....
Ce problème provient d'un problème dans aicontactsafe vous devez modifier le fichier suivant : components/com_aicontactsafe/include/elemements/aicontactsafeprofile.php
Entre la Ligne 15 et 16 vous devez ajouter une ligne comme ci-dessous :
if(substr($joomla,0,3) >= '1.6') { JFormHelper::loadFieldClass('list'); class JFormFieldAiContactSafeProfile extends JFormFieldList {
L'équipe d'aicontactsafe est au courant et devrait modifier leur composant.
FaLang est un composant d'aide a la traduction des éléments joomla. Celui-ci est fait principalement pour traduire à l’identique un site en plusieurs langues. Falang est complètement intégré avec le system natif de Joomla et l'ensemble peut être mixé.
Sa gestion est beaucoup plus simple que le nouveau système de langue de Joomla depuis la 2.5 jusqu'a la 5.1
L’idée est de traduire dans un composant dédié éléments par élément, langue par langue. avec un affichage de l'état des traduction
FaLang est basé sur la dernière version stable de Joomfish 2.1.7, Celle-ci à été adaptée aux spécificités de Joomla 3.4 et 2.5